Thursday, August 22, 2019

Combine harvester common fault

1. There is nothing in the threshing mouth.

The threshing port is where the grain is removed from the harvest and the harvest is normally combined with the function of the bag. Then, if the threshing port does not leave the article normal in other respects, it is highly probable that the threshing drum is clogged. The cause of the blockage may be excessive weeds in the drum, which seriously hinders the rotation of the drum, causing the engine to carry the stationary roller. At this time, it is best to stop the machine in time, then remove the debris inside the drum, and then increase the distance between the roller and the wall. When starting again, the harvesting speed should be lowered to avoid being caused by too much influx.

2. Stacking grain before the header

The accumulation of grain before the header is the entrance to the harvest. It is easy to cause the accumulation of the harvest without paying attention. There are two general reasons. First, the harvesting speed is too fast, and the entrance cannot be swallowed in time, resulting in interlacing. Second, the distance between the pusher and the entrance is large, so that the pushed articles cannot completely enter the mouth, and the residue is formed to cause accumulation. At this time, the push distance of the pusher should be properly adjusted so that the pushed item is closer to the entrance.

3, the number of missed cuts

The missing cut is a problem that often occurs in combine harvesting, where there are more unrecovered items in the place where the harvester passes, or the harvest is not complete. There are several reasons for this. First, check if the blade is sharp and see if it is caused by a gap. Secondly, check whether the range of blade harvesting is comprehensive and there is a blind spot that cannot be harvested. Check that the height of the blade is too high (low), resulting in the inability to harvest, especially when harvesting along the direction of grain dumping.

4, threshing incomplete debris

This is especially a problem that needs everyone's attention. It is a cumbersome thing to do not. When this problem occurs, first check whether the contents of the threshing device are damaged. The bending of some small parts or the concave surface of the wall may cause this phenomenon, and if so, replace it in time. If the appliance is in good condition, it may be that the roller rotates faster so that the harvesting material cannot hit the threshing plate, and the rotation speed of the roller can be appropriately reduced or the distance between the refining plate and the threshing plate can be reduced.

5, the knife bar is broken off

The harvesting blades are prone to problems when harvesting. They are not fixed because they are harvested, but they are also damaged by the prominent hard objects that are not noticed in the field. Therefore, when you are not used every day, you should also take good care of the blade to avoid rusting. Secondly, you must check the fixed screws carefully before each harvest. It is best to twist it to see if it is loose. When harvesting, it is best to choose a place with flat terrain, or you can check the raised areas around the land in advance so that you have a number in your heart to avoid hitting.

6, before the harvest

The front of the harvest is the most prone problem when harvesting rice, mostly due to the low harvesting speed. At this time, it is necessary to appropriately increase the harvesting speed, lower the cutting tool a little, and tighten the belt a little to ensure the cutting speed of the cutting edge and ensure better harvesting.

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