Tuesday, June 2, 2020

How does yogurt production line process yogurt?

This question is a very simple question for those who have done this, but it is more complicated for laymen. Let us learn together today.

The main equipment of the yogurt production line is a fermentation tank. Fermentation tanks are used for fermentation, and attention should be paid to avoid vibration. The fermentation temperature adopts the corresponding temperature according to the different strains used. Generally, the mixed strains of S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus use 40 ~45℃ fermentation temperature. For the mixed strains of S. lactis and S. lactis, the fermentation temperature should be controlled at 33-7℃. After 2 to 3 hours of fermentation, when the acidity reaches 85 to 90°T and the pH is 4.12 to 4.13, the fermentation can be stopped and the post-mature stage can be entered.

After the fermentation of the yogurt production line meets the requirements, it can be moved to the cold room. In the beginning, due to the slow cooling of the yogurt itself, the lactic acid bacteria are still slowly producing and proliferating, and the acidity is also increasing. After the temperature drops to 10 ℃, the acidity no longer increases During this period the acidity increased by about 10-20 °T).

The refrigeration process is very important, not only can it prevent the increase of acidity and contamination of bacteria, but it also makes the curd texture firm and whey recovery, so that the stability of yogurt quality is greatly improved, and the flavor of yogurt can also be increased. The temperature is 0 ~ 5 ℃, refrigeration time is 12 ~ 20h. 3.2.7 The products are ready for sale immediately after they leave the factory. If they cannot be sold on the same day, they should be kept in a freezer or refrigerator at 0~5℃. The storage period of general yogurt is about 1 week.

The yogurt production line is slightly different for different yogurt processes, as follows:

Cured yogurt: raw milk acceptance → clean milk → refrigeration → standardization → homogenization → sterilization → cooling → access to fermentation strains → filling → fermentation → cooling → refrigeration

Stirred yogurt: acceptance of raw milk → clean milk → refrigeration → standardization → homogenization → sterilization → cooling → access to fermentation strain → fermentation → addition of auxiliary materials → cooling → filling → refrigeration

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